Monday, January 26, 2009


Olive Oil As A Conditioning Treatment

When I was transitioning, I used to put extra virgin olive oil on my hair at night and then wash it out in the morning. I considered this to be my alternative to the traditional hot oil treatment. The olive oil kept my hair well nourished, and I believe that it is the reason why I experienced little to no breakage as I transitioned out of my relaxer.

Below is a video in which I explain my olive oil treatments.

In addition, here is a link to a great article that explains the benefits of olive oil in detail: Olive Oil: The All-Purpose Remedy.


CharenaMarie1908 said...

Thanks great tip! I am transitioning and I need all the tips I can get. BTW, during your transition were there ever times you wanted to relax? What kept you from falling for the temptation?

DPrincess28 said...

Hey Charena,

To answer your question, I honestly don't remember ever wanting to go back to the relaxer. I may have felt that way from time to time, but the urge definitely wasn't as strong as it appears to be for some other ladies. For one, if your hair was as badly damaged as mine was, the last thing you'd be longing for is the creamy crack! I was really focused on nursing my hair back to health, so abstaining from any type of harsh treatment of any kind was crucial for me.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much DPrincess28 you have helped me so much with this transitioning thing. I know this time I won't go back to "creamy crack." Just wanted to suggest to you the Infusium 23 line. I have been a loyal EVOO follower since 2000 so of course that is what I have always used.The past three weeks I have been trying to go "Heat Free" so I have been doing Twist Outs. I was using EVOO + water at first but last week I decided to spray my with Infusium 23 Leave-In Conditioner (Repair-ologie) instead of water. What a difference.My hair has so much more moisture, it's soft, and not weighed down. I was so surprised because my hair is very think and I have all kinds of hair types...curly here, wavy there, kinky here.So my hair soaks up any moisture instantly and living in humid Florida does not help. Maybe this can work for someone. Have a great day :)

Unknown said...

DPrincess, you are a big reason as to why I decided to actually transition and I love it!! I have no desire whatsoever to get a relaxer! My hair used to be mid-back length until overprocessing broke it out. My question: I am looking for a shampoo, deep conditioner, and a treatment (for when I wash my hair)to stop the shedding and breakage and to get it strong like it once was...any suggestions?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for sharing your journey...word could never truly express my gratitude.

Unknown said...

I am going to start this ASAP. I currently have been transitioning for 9 months. I am not into big chopping, and my hair was bra strap length when I started. It has been a journey. Now I am starting to experience a lot of breakage and shedding, and I think it is a moisture issue. Is it best to do the hot oil treatment on wet or dry hair? BTW I LOVE your blog. It is really a big help on this journey of mine.



DPrincess28 said...

@Nichole: Thanks girl. To answer your question, it's best to do the oil treatment on dry hair. I've always done mine as a pre-poo treatment, leaving it in for a few minutes or sometimes overnight, then washing out.

Unknown said...

How often did you treat your hair with the olive oil?