Friday, May 22, 2009


How to Care for Relaxed Hair

I was surfing the web the other day for hair care info and ran across the following article titled, "How to Take Care of Relaxed African Hair." I was curious to see what kind of tips the author had to offer considering that I haven't had to deal with relaxed hair in quite some time now. To my surprise, the tips that are presented in the article don't differ much from the tips that many consider to be beneficial for natural haired ladies. Thus, whether the hair is natural or relaxed, caring for it is essential in order to maintain healthy, luscious locs!


bluebonnet67 said...

Thanks for the article and looking out for your divas that are still relaxed!

DPrincess28 said...

Anytime! :-)

CharenaMarie1908 said...

Good article, lots of information..Thanks for posting!

BTW, I'm about halfway through your book. I feel like I'm a fly on the wall watching Miss Jasmine's every

DPrincess28 said...

Cool! You gotta let me know what you think once you've finished reading it! Thanks again for your support :-). XOXO