Friday, August 21, 2009


Food For a Flat Stomach

I've mentioned before that food really is an important component of a tight body. You can do a million crunches a day, but if you don't have your diet in check, you're never going to see the washboard abs you desire. Dieticians have come up with a meal plan that when followed, proves to aid in weight loss and a tighter tummy. You can get all the details regarding the diet here: Best Belly Flattening Meals. Women who followed the program for 28 days lost 8.4 pounds and approximately two inches off of their waistline. The meals are mainly low in fat, high in fiber, and really simple to make. If you're looking for a healthy and safe way to lose weight, try one of the Best Belly Flattening Meals today!


Ms. Harmony said...

You should put together a 30 day Healthy Eating challenge for those ladies who need a little encourage.

Avillacorta said...

I was just thinking the same thing. It's easier to do these things together.

Ms. Harmony said...

FYI...I tried the Greek Lentil Salad that's on the menu and it was delicious! I had to share so try it out.