Transitioning Tale: Shanna's Story

A fabulous diva named Shanna submitted her transitioning tale to Protecting Your Crown & Glory (PYCAG) in January of 2010. Shanna was approximately eight months into her transition at the time she recounted the details of her hair journey. Although a lot of time has passed, the facts remain the same. So, without further ado, here is her tale, as told to PYCAG.
PYCAG: What inspired you to transition?
Shanna: I have always liked natural hair but never had the guts to go natural. I attempted it once during freshman year of college based off of advice from a friend, but since I hadn't done my own research, it failed miserably, and I ended up relaxing my hair again. However, during my senior year of college, the health of my hair grew worse (i.e. it had become very thin due to weaves and school related stresss), so I decided to make a change. My last relaxer resulted in a quarter of my hair fallling out, and that's when I said I would never get a relaxer again. I hopped on YouTube that night and did a search on 'natural hair'. I did research on YouTube, found DPrincess28, who first inspired me to go natural, and I haven't looked back since.
PYCAG: Why did you opt to slowly transition versus do the BC?
Shanna: I decided to slowly transition because in my opinion, I have a big head and my weight fluctuates, so my face tends to get fat at times. I therefore did not feel comfortable doing the BC, and felt that doing it would not help my self-esteem. I commend those that do it, but I couldn't. I am just not used to short hair. Yet now that my natural hair has grown quite a bit, I feel like I may cut it soon, especially because I have been told by many that your hair grows much faster with the relaxed ends cut off than with them on.

PYCAG: How are you caring for your hair?
Shanna: Right now I am treating my whole head like its natural (advice I got from DPrincess28). I just started working out, so I do co-washes more often than before. I don't really oil my scalp because I don't have a dry scalp problem. I do moisturize my hair though, and add a couple of tracks for fullness (as seen in the pic at right), and keep it in a bun on most days.
PYCAG: How are you caring for your hair?
PYCAG: What products do you currently use?
Shanna: I use a lot but right now I'm using:
- A sulfate-free shampoo that I found made for swimmers
- Garnier Fructis Cream Conditioner
- IC conditioners
- Aphogee Keratin Reconstructor
- Neutrogena Triple Moisturizer
- Dr. Miracle's deep conditioner
- Silk Elements conditioner
- Ceramic Silk heat protectant
Shanna: I just want my hair to be thick and healthy. As for length, I would like for all my natural hair to be at my bra strap.
Thank you, Shanna, for sharing your natural hair journey with Protecting Your Crown & Glory. It is now well over a year, so we're sure you've seen great progress with your hair. Good luck as you continue to strive for healthy, natural hair.
I love the waves in her hair it looks so smooth!
What shampoo is it specifically? I want to start swimming again, but I had stopped only to protect my hair. It's been much too long... Oh and @DPrincess28, is it true that natural hair is better for swimming? How do I protect my transitioning hair from the chlorine in the water? ~ It would be greatly appreciated if you replied :)
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