I see a lot of ladies on the hair care boards talk about how they wear their hair in all types of protective styles, rarely wearing it down. I also see a lot of women who use a TON of different products, and have insanely complex regimens. Although I believe that it's important to take care of your hair in order for it to be healthy and retain length, some of the methods women use to achieve that are a bit over the top in my opinion.
I've said all that to basically say this: Enjoy your hair ladies! Life is too short to keep it pinned up all the time. Sure, you can and should wear protective styles sometimes, but don't deprive yourself of fully enjoying the fruits of your labor. After all the hard work we put into getting our hair in tip top shape, we deserve to wear it out every once in a while. And trust me, as much as men love to see a woman's hair swangin' and run their fingers through luscious locs, I'm positive your man will love you for it too!
I couldn't have said it better myself!! This is a great blog...keep it coming:)
I agree, I love wearing my hair down!!
Girl I know what you mean! I have been wearing my hair in protective styles for 6 1/2 months and Im so bored with my hair.
I think it all depends on the person because I prefer wearing my hair in protective styles, that is what my mom did when I was younger and that's what I've kept on doing for myself since I was 14. I keep my hair loose or straightened when it's a special occasion like a wedding. Anyways, your hair looks fabulous whether it is in a protective style or not... keep rocking ur natural hair the way you want to!!:) Great blog by the way!!! God Bless!!!
You know my best friend and I were talking about this same topic. Protective styles can get boring after a while. So my "protective style" of choice is a braid out when I want to give my hair rest from all the tugging, pulling, and heat.
I also agree with you about the complex hair regimens that are out there. I prefer to keep mine simple and work from the inside out becuase I truly believe in a healthy diet and exercise routine.
As u should know by now u are my go-2-girl on natural hair. I love to hear ur opinion because u are honest & u don't sugar coat. This past weekend I did a net search on natural hair for more info since i'm transing. I can't believe how negative some women are about being "nappy", "napptural", & "kinky." They almost look down on u if ur a "curly." And it almost seems the nappier ur hair the blacker or more african u r. Whatever!! Havn't we been through enough as a race? Love ur self 1st.
In addition to my previous post, could u please do a blog of definitions. What is a curly, kinky, napptural etc.? Maybe adding celeb pics for each one. Also what is being natural? One website had a picture of a woman with a TWA, one said natural is a fro with no product what so ever. And in ur opinion why is it so negative? I thought the goal was healthy hair?
I could never think that protective styles means that you aren't enjoying your hair. Like you a lot of ladies PS because their air is not in the healthiest state, or some of us do so cause it easier to retain length and reach our goal, and some of us just do it cause life takes over. So while wearing your hair out may be considered enjoyable for you, some of us actually do enjoy protective styling and the benefits we reap
i am a protective styler and have been for EVER! i've always just preferred to wear my hair back long before my journey began. i do (for the time being) wear it out for 1 week out of the month to apeas my husband, but other than than, i'm a bunner baby! LOL
great post!
For those of us that are transitioning and are new to the natural haircare world... What are protective styles? An actual hairstyle or just pulling your hair back off of your face? Someone please explain.
I would love for my hair to be like yours. I have a hard time to find a style I really like.
I too don't like the protective styles. I think I need to work at some more styles that are flattering. Any suggestions?
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