Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Celebrity Hair

Taylor's Swift Change!

Wow, now I've been told that I look different when I wear my hair curly versus straight, but I've never seen a difference this dramatic:

I almost didn't recognizer her!


Danielle87 said...

The picture on the top with her with straight hair looks like a wig to me. Kinda makes her face look a little weird. I love the pic on the bottom though, she looks more mature

sssdawna said...

she looks pretty both ways, but i've always thought her curls were gorgeous

Dani In NC said...

I think the way Taylor Swift's hair curls is distinctive and makes her stand out. The straight hair makes her look like all the other blond ingenues out in Hollywood.

Avillacorta said...

I love the picture of her (bottom right hand side) But the top right side looks like a wig. The curly hair is her signature, but it was definitely time to switch it up.