As many of you know, I'm always experimenting with beauty products. There are times when I stumble upon a product that is so absolutely amazing, I can't help but add it to my regimen. Yet, there are times when a product doesn't work for me, and I end up tossing it in the trash, or it works for a little while, and then I get bored with it and leave it to collect dust on my shelves. Well, thanks to one of my lovely divas, who so graciously pointed out how wasteful these practices are, I will no longer be stocking my shelves with products I don't use, or filling our landfills with unconsumed products. Instead, I will be giving away unused and or lightly used products to one of you lucky ladies so that you can benefit from my wasteful behavior!
This particular giveaway will include products that I've sampled, and those that I haven't gotten around to sampling. Now, on to the details!
The Products
#1. Jazzing temporary hair color in Spiced Cognac by Clairol.I recieved this product a while back from a Clairol representative who wanted me to review it. After discovering that I was pregnant, I chose to

abstain from anything that may have proven harmful to the baby, which included hair dye. I regret having taken so long to do anything with the samples, but have finally decided to give one away and keep one for myself, as I will be using it to touch up the permanent color I applied to my bangs a few months ago. If you recall, I've used Jazzing hair color in the past (See
"Red Hot" Jazzing Hair Color by Clairol: An Update) and like the fact that it can "jazz" up your color without the harsh chemicals found in permanent dye. The great thing about Jazzing temporary hair color is that it:
- Contains no ammonia
- Contains no peroxide
- Comes in 18 fabulous shades
Clairol Professional for more info on the Jazzing line of hair color.
#2. It's a 10 Miracle Leave InI was excited to try this product after seeing a review for it on
HeyChelseyyy, a fashion and beauty blog I follow. It worked so well for Chelsey that I figured it would work great on my hair, right? Wrong! Needless to say, it may work for one of you.
This product claims to:

- Repair dry, damaged hair
- Add shine
- Detangle
- Control frizz
- Seal & protect hair color
- Prevent split ends
- Stop hair breakage
- Create silkiness
- Enhance natural body
- Work as a flat iron spray and thermal protector
I purchased this 4oz bottle from Ulta, and trust, this is not a cheap buy, so hopefully it will find a nice home somewhere.
#3. Miss Jessie's Baby Buttercreme
This never-been-used 2oz jar was given to me by a girlfriend of mine and I just never got around to sampling it. I just recently sampled the
Curly Pudding and loved it, so I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't just as fabulous. Unlike the Curly Pudding, which is considered a styling aid, the Baby Buttercreme is labeled as an "ultra hydrating" moisturizer.
For more info, visit the
Miss Jessie's website.
#4. Chi Iron Guard
I used this thermal protection spray once and it left a slight residue on my hair. That didn't come as a complete surprise considering that I've never seemed to have much luck when it comes to thermal protecting sprays. However, I know many women that swear by Chi products, so this may just be the thing you need to help protect your hair from the heat of flat irons and curling irons.
#5. Cool Bronzer by Elf
I've only used this bronzer a few times, and it just doesn't seem to make my skin pop like my gold tone bronzer by Icing. You can use the colors separately as a highlighter, countour and blush, or mix them together for a layered, cool tone bronzing effect.
Giveaway Instructions
To participate in this giveaway, you must be:
- A follower (I would prefer you be a leader. That was corny, I know :-P).
- 18 years of age or older
- A U.S. resident
Picking the winner will be real simple, for this is not a contest. I'm just gonna throw a bunch of names into a hat and pull one out. I'll even record a video of me doing this so you'll know that there's no cheating or favoritism involved. To enter your name into the hat, you must state in the comment section of this post:
- How you discovered my blog
- How long you've been a follower
- Why you love this blog so much (Stroke my ego a bit. Flattery will get you everywhere!)
The first 20 divas to provide a complete submission will be entered into the drawing.
C'est tout!
I discovered you blog through your YouTube channel.
I believe I start following in June of this year 2010.
I love you blog, because it just not about hair. AND I LOVE THE DEVOTIONALS!!!
Hi DPrincess28! I discovered your blog when I happened upon one of your Youtube information videos. I have now been a follower of your blog for about 3 weeks. You give the best hair and beauty information and I watched as many of your videos as I could before my BC last week on December 14th! You are truly and inspiration to any sista who is into health, beauty, fashion, and most important spirituality! Keep up the good work and I look forward to see what you post next.
I discoverd your blog while search for natural hair videos on Youtube about a year 1/2 ago. I have been a follower for about a year, and I love your blog because you are a beautiful Christian, and have a nice personality.
Hi DPrincess28 !!
I am all of the above - a follower & a leader ;]
I discovered your blog through one of your videos. When I started to transition, your first transitioning info video was one of the first I watched and I've been a follower of your YT Channel & blog since.I've been a follower for most of this year, I just started transitioning in January/February.
Why do I love this blog - because it's about everything! Beauty, hair, devotion & spirituality. & you're so real! I remember reading one post to the haters - people who were leaving negative comments and I remember reading, if she's keeping it real like that to the haters, I know she's keeping it real like that with the Divas! So thank you for keepin it real, sharing your love for Jesus, and always being honest in your reviews & experiences!!
# How you discovered my blog: I found your blog from your youtube channel. Your videos were the very first I became addicted to at the beginning of my natural hair journey.
# How long you've been a follower: I've been a follower for a while, but only recently became official when I got a gmail account.
# Why you love this blog so much: Seriously I love your blog because it's informative, fun and you're soooo very pretty and cheerful in all your videos. And of course, your hair is GORGEOUS!!
I discoverd your blog through your You Tube channel.(colinnkieran)5
I just starting officially following the blog today but I've had it saved to my favorites for about two months.
I have recently been looking though all of your posts and videos. You had me at the Tips for transitioning video. I was doing way too much and started having breakage (for the first time ever) I have bsl thick relaxed hair. In that video you said just stop getting a perm and do what you have been doing to your hair. Since I watched that it has been smooth sailing im my transitioning journey. Thanks!
I discovered your blog after watching the Transitioning from relaxed to natural: a few tips video. I just discovered how to follow it (i know its sad) but I visit it often for inspiration and advice. What I love most about this blog is that it touches on all the aspects of being a girl instead of strickly hair. It's peaked my interest in make-up, fashion, and nails as well.
I discovered your blog after seeing your youtube channel. I've been a follower since about September 2009, shortly after I saw your channel.
I LOOOOOOVE this blog SOOOO much because you're beautiful, and you express yourself intelligently, and you're inspirational...(is your ego stroked yet? LOL....) but really, these things are true. I also love your devotionals. Your blog takes a well-rounded approach to bettering oneself. Even if we only set out to protect our hair, we come away with so much more by paying attention to ourselves!
i discovered your blog when i came upon your video about transitioning to natural hair. that video inspired me to go natural. thank you very much.
i dont know how long i've been reading your blog, i think since early last year.
i love your blog for many reasons. it is very informational. i love the fact that you share your hair story which has given me hope that my natural journey will be great one. you seem like a cool person.
- I discovered your blog when I decided to transition from relaxed to natural. I didn't know what to do with my hair so I started googling questions about transitioning and natutal hair; your youtube videos were the first links I came across; and from there I was introduced to your blog.
- Ive been a follower for almost 2 yrs now
- I love this blog so much because if it wasn't for this blog I would probably be relaxed again. This blog made me knowlegeable of what I needed to know to help me care for my hair. My biggest worry when deciding to go natural was having to do an immediate big chop; which was a No No for me and your blog and videos saved my life. If I'm not mistaking that's what I typed in the search " Do I have to cut all my hair off when transitioning from relaxed to natural?" In all honesty this blog helped me out tremendously because when starting out I didn't have a clue about blogs, transitioning, or natural hair. Once I discovered your blog I visited daily; It's also what I recommend to others when I'm asked about my own hair. Thanks for all the great info that you've shared.
I discovered your blog through YouTube and I've been a follower for at least a year. I don't commit much but, I visit your blog weekly. I enjoy your blog because you keep it real and straight to the point; and also because it seems like you do this to encourage other women instead of show off...like most bloggers do.
* I discovered your blog on youtube
*I have been a follower for about a year now
*I love your blog because I can get all kinds of advice from it. I.e., spiritual, hair and health!!
Thanks so much
I discovered your blog from running across your you tube channel which I also love watching.
I have been a follower since about June or July I believe.
I love this blog because are hair texture is very much alike and you always style and treat your hair so simple that I feel confident in doing my own hair. Plus it always comes out gorgeous!!! If you try new products and they're within my range theres a good chance I put em on order. Your blog is the best hair blog I follow, Keep it on lock girl!
How you discovered my blog - googled YT transition relaxed to natural hair. Your channel popped up first. Your channel directed me to your blog.
How long you've been a follower - Since August 2009
Why you love this blog so much - You're brutually honest! Your information is clear and easily to understand that natural hair care is simple and doable. Its because of you that I begin my sucessful transition (Sept 09) and b/c (July 10). Loving every day! THANK YOU!!!
i discovered your blog from your youtube videos. I love your videos and when I found out you had a blog I had to go to blogger and follow you asap.
I believe i have been a follower for about a year now, maybe even a little longer.
I love your blog because not only do you give great hair advice for natural girls (i myself am 1) but i like how your blog is beauty, fashion, and GOD oriented which is always a plus. Overall you just have a well rounded blog that I enjoy.
Thank you for this giveaway
# How you discovered my blog
I discovered your blog through youtube. I started following your youtube channel in 2008.
# How long you've been a follower
I have been a follower on your blog since day 1. When I found out you had a blog I immediately started following.
# Why you love this blog so much (Stroke my ego a bit. Flattery
will get you everywhere!
Well, I am a writer as well and I love your style of writing (I've bought and read your book, LOL), your presentation, and your attention to detail. The blog is helpful and useful. You write about things that are beneficial.
* How you discovered my blog
-I discovered your blog while searching youtube for transition videos. I saw your vids then followed the mentions to your site. Have been a follower ever since.
* How long you've been a follower
I believe I've been a follower for about a year and some change. I started following right when I made the decision to transition, and that was the same time I entered my last year of hs (last September)
* Why you love this blog so much (Stroke my ego a bit. Flattery will get you everywhere!)
I love your blog because you introduced me to so many new products and gave me some encouragment on my journey. I've had some missteps and have gone off the wagon a bit, but I come here to get back on point. Working on 5 months all natural (had to get a perm for prom, so that messed up the 7 months I was working with before). But this is just such an every-woman-site, how can I not love it?
+I follow
+Just turned 18 in June
+Reside in USA (NJ)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi DPrincess28,
I discovered your blog from searching youtube.
I've been following you for 1 day...lol (true story)
I love your blog because of the transition tips video that you have posted. Great info for me, as I am newly transitioning from relaxers to natural. Been getting the "creamy crack" since the age of 5 and i'm 29 years young...so 25 years of damage and I need all the help i can get!!! Also, because you are absolutely stunning, and because we serve the same God and thats a HUGE plus!! Take care and God Bless u and urs. Merry Christmas!!
Hi Princess,
I discovered your blog by watching a video of you on youtube!
I have been following since then. It has been under a year, but I am not sure just how long.
My favorite part is that you are a young sista, with her head on straight. You seem to be focused and moving yourself in a positive direction and as an older sista, I am happy and pleased to see you shine!
Hi DPrincess28
I dicovered your blog by watching one of your videos on YouTube. It was video about transitioning tips. I hung on your everyword, and was immediately hooked when you said you don't have to do the BC to go natural. That was music to my ears.
I have been a follower for about 2 months now.
I love your blog so much because, #1 your matter of fact approach to hair care. The fact that you put it out there that we can take care of our own hair. I really appreciate your words of encouragement. I'm a visual person, so seeing you do your tutorials was really helpful. I am 7 months post-relaxer, and needed some help on finding different ways to style my hair. I was also excited to see the make-up tutorials. I'm a bit of a late bloomer, (I'm 36) and am just now dipping into the make-up. I also really appreciated the testimonials from other transitioning/natural sisters. One of them in particular has the same type of alopecia I have. Seeing all these beautiful women going through the same thing as me, and being triumphant spoke volumes. Again thanks for your videos and your blogs. It's changed my world!
Your in naturalness,
I discovered your blog thru your you tube channel.
I've been a follower of your blog since the beginning of this year.
I love your blog and your channel because you take a wholistic approach to healthy hair. The video you done talking about the foods and vitamins that are important sold me. Thanks again for everything!!
Hello dear, I found out about your blog from your youtube videos because I have been watching those for awhile.
I've been a follower of your youtube since May of 2009 and I've been a follower of your blog since early November.
I love your videos and blog because it is very informative. I like the fact that you explain things well also. So it is very helpful!
I know you said the first 20 but I thought I would try anyway! :)
I discovered your blog from youtube while I was researching videos on how to transition out of relaxer. You're tips on how to transition were so common sense, I decided to subscribe and subsequently to follow your blog. Which, mind you, is the first blog I've ever followed and remains to be one of 2 that I check regularly! I'm unsure of how long I have been a follower of your blog, but since I did participate in the TBYH challenge (MagnificentReign), it's been at over a year for sure. I love your blog because of your writing style and you inspire me to try new things as you are always trying different makeup looks and hair color. Your blog is an easy read and your honest opinions keep me coming back!
Ok, I am "over" 18, a leader/role model for my kids and a US resident... now that that is over wit. I discovered your blog when I looking for a way to do clip-in weave. I had a sew-in and was looking for something different. That is what started my journey toward natural hair.
I recently became a follower and I try to check in often. I love this blog because I am not a make-up person but I think that I am learning. I am also learning to love my hair although at this stage I am a little frustrated. I am still going to hold on and look forward to showing my daughter that she does not have to have perm/relaxed hair to define her.
Thanks and keep up the good work!!!
Hi DPrincess28!
I found your blog through watching your tutorials on youtube. For years I have been trying to figure out what to do with my natural long curly hair to keep it curly and hot all day! I have been struggling for the past ten years until I saw your video last night! I love, love, love how you explain the steps of each process thoroughly! First I noticed how your hair was similar to mine, and I could relate to you as you explained how it gets dryer in the middle section. I found your tutorials and blog to be very helpful and useful! I appreciate them and look forward to any more to come!
Have a Blessed holidays,
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