A Natural Bride

My big sis, otherwise known as Girl With Curls, got married a few months back. If you recall, she mentioned her engagement in my video titled, Q & A Volume 3: Update on Girl With Curls. She also mentioned how much her then fiance, and now proud hubby, loves her natural hair. I must say she has come a long way considering she went from being a constant weave wearer who balked at the mere thought of sporting an afro (If you don't believe me, check out her debut vid here: Let's Talk Hair! (Vol. II: Girl With Curls), to walking down the aisle on her wedding day sporting a what??? Yes, a curly afro! Here's a look at her hair up close:

Because my sis has fully embraced being natural and loves her textured tresses, she insisted that her Matron of Honor, who was none other than yours truly (*smile*), wear her natural curls too:

Your sister looks beautiful! And so do you :-)
Thanks so much! I'll pass on the compliment ;-)
I absolutely love that she wore her natural hair. The pictures are stunning and the Bride and Matron of Honor are gorgeous ;-)
I really love her dress and her dress!!! Congrats!
OMG! Your sister was beautiful! I loved the hair piece and her curls. Thanks for sharing!!
wow ive never seen someone be natural at their wedding! that is beautiful! i hope it becomes a trend :)
@Avillacorta: Thanks so much, that's so sweet of you to say!
@Loica12: Thanks, I'll let her know ;-).
@Ms. Harmony: Thanks!
@Babyv2992: I know, wouldn't that be great?? Thanks!
You and your sister look fab! I love your sisters hair, she looks so elegant.
Thanks Journee!
Congrats to your sister! She looked very beautiful and your hair was great too :)
You guys looked great!! Tell you sister I said congrats!! I know, I'm late!! LOL!
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